Another name for germ warfare is biological warfare or bio-warfare, and it comes in many forms. Bacteria, viruses, fungi, and toxins derived from them can be used to kill or incapacitate your enemy. Think microorganisms like anthrax or plague bacteria, or the naturally occurring poisons (toxins, like botulism) that some microorganisms produce. [Image is polychrome methylene blue stain of Bacillus anthracis; courtesy of Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program Agency, Office of the Army Surgeon General, U.S.]
intentional use of bio-warfare has been around for eons, from poisoned
arrows to poisoned wells, to bombs with deadly bacteria. Talked about
germ warfare threats today include smallpox, tularemia, anthrax, Marburg
and Ebola viruses, as well as other microorganisms that could be
bioengineered to be deadly, like the fictional Tivaz TB in Risking the World.